Micro Markets & Services
Picture walking into your break room and having the freedom to browse through hundreds of delicious, fresh items on open shelves in your very own convenience store. Our Markets utilize groundbreaking technology to offer companies state-of-the-art 24 hour micro-markets, complete with touch screen kiosks to allow employees easy access to purchases without ever leaving their workplace. Our brand emphasis has always been to provide and sustain a healthy lifestyle for employees both in and outside of work. With Micro Markets employees can not only watch what they eat at work, but purchase take-home items for continuing the right healthy mindset. Micro Markets wants to work with you to create a sustaining healthy workplace for you and your employees!
Key Benefits
Wide variety of fresh food options
New selections include vegan, gluten free and Kosher
School Approved drinks, snacks and meals
Ability to look at nutritional content before purchasing items
Large product selection with over 300+ items within a market
Convenience and ease of a personal market open 24/7
Ability to customize product selection
Rewards and incentive programs with Micro Markets
24-hour security system and virtually no service calls
Advantages ​
Start creating a better work environment for your employees with the Micro Market Advantage! By providing an Micro Markets in your workplace, employees will be happier, healthier and more productive. The following are some key advantages to why our Micro Markets really work for companies nationwide: ​
Healthier, happier employees
Large assortment of products including healthy choices Improves employee efficiency
No vending machine hassles
Reduces employee travel expenses for snacks or lunch
Reduces extended breaks of employees
Take home products improves work/life balance Improves corporate culture
For more information call us at 860.367.9115 or go to our Micro Markets Page